
Theo at eight months

Theo at eight months

WHEW, finally getting caught up on Theo’s monthly updates. We’ve had a lot going on around these parts (post to follow with an update).

Theophilus is eight months old!

Theo Samanthaborn, House of Wetterholm, King of his crib, third of his kin, brother of Emma and Henry, eater of sweet potatoes and avocado, puller of hair turns eight months old today.

This has been an exciting month. He could enter the Indy 500 of baby crawling and he is a champion stander. He is starting to cruise along the furniture and I’m already emotionally preparing for his imminent walking. Wish us luck. He is fearless and zooms to any open door, cabinet, or fridge to mess stuff up. Two little milk teeth have popped through (much to my dismay when he gets bored of nursing and heads straight to chomping). He is a joyful and giggly baby. He’s happiest when playing with his sister and brother. He loves bath time and snack time. Theo has got rolls upon rolls and it just makes me so happy. He’s my chunkiest baby for sure. I think he’s trying to say his first word, we’ll see what it is. I’m 2/2 with “mama” being the first word, so come on Theo, let’s make it 3/3. He’s a joy and treasure and we love him so.

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Theo at seven months

Theo at seven months

Theophilus is seven months old and he is celebrating with table side guac. Well maybe just regular smooshed avocado. Same thing right?
Speaking of food, this last month we introduced solids and ya boy likes to eat.
He’s obsessed with veggies in the orange varieties and that makes diaper changes really special.
He is a seriously fast crawler and this week he’s has started pulling himself up to stand and that is just swell. No really, I’m fine.
He’s our chillest babe and pretty much goes with the flow. He is our first baby to actually sleep in the crib for an extended period of time so praise the sweet baby Jesus.
He is still a nursing champ but takes a bottle of the pumped house white just fine when with his nanny.
He enjoys pulling hair, drooling prodigiously, long walks near the bay, and bath time.
I also think he’s cutting his first tooth because OUCH.
He’s a golden ray of sunshine and sparkly rainbows and we just love him more than words.
Happy seven months little Theo!

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Theo at six months

Theo at six months

This has been a busy season the past few months, but I haven’t forgotten to take our sweet Theo’s monthly photos. So get ready for a post dump.

Happy half birthday sweet Theophilus! '

SIX months with this precious boy of ours. He’s a mover, he’s a shaker, he’s a drooler. He’s brought so much joy into our lives and he was made for our family. He’s our happiest (and chubbiest) baby and I’m just so grateful for his presence in our lives. He actually sleeps at night (third time is the charm) and his thigh rolls give me LIFE.


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Theo at five months

Theo at five months

(Not so) little baby Theo turns five months old today. He is basically almost one which is basically almost eighteen and that’s basically almost married! HOLD ME.

Theo is such a joyful baby. Seriously. His smiles light up the room and his giggles are music to my ears. As joyful as he is, he can be equally opinionated when tired and/or hungry so watch out.

This month, the newest accomplishment in baby town is CRAWLSCOOTING. What’s crawl scooting you ask? Well it’s when he is on all fours like he’s about to crawl and rocks back and forth then plops down on his tummy and then rotates a bit and pushes himself around on his tummy.

Um, you may just have to trust me on this one.

He is definitely more mobile and active. I think he’s going through a leap of some kind, because his napping and eating habits are changing. He’s doing about 2-3 long naps during the day. He is also my best sleeper of the bunch, hands down. At this age, Emma and Henry had NO interest in long snoozes in their cribs, but this one naps like a champ. PRAISETHELORD.

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Theo at four months

Theo at four months

Contrary to these photos exhibited today, Theo does not have a serious face 100% of the time. He is such a joyful baby and I could not be more enamored by this squishy goodness.

Baby Theo is four months young today. He’s my chubbiest baby for sure. I am so grateful I took monthly photos of Emma and Henry too, because I love looking at the kids side by side. I think Theo looks a bit more like Emma than he does like Henry, but all i know is they are all adorable.

This month was full of exciting accomplishments. Theo started moving around on his tummy and he discovered his greatest joy in life - his own feet. He’s also been having a blast with Paul while Paul is on family leave. He takes a bottle like a champ (THANK GOD).

Theo’s personality is a cross between a super relaxed surfer and screeching howler monkey. So that’s been fun. He’s super relaxed and easy-going most of the time, but yells at us when he is tired or hungry. Like banshee screams. But he’s still cute.

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