It's all in the details

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Yesterday, I presented my research to the UCSF Dental Alumni Association at The Palace Hotel in Downtown, San Francisco. I was in awe of the beautiful building, rich in ornate details from a golden door handle to the grand entryway. After the poster session was over, I ventured to an old-fashioned bar with some friends. I was admiring the beautiful cut fruits and fresh mint, arranged in mason jars along the bar top. The mixologists elegantly mixed drinks and awed the crowd with their concoctions. 


As I was appreciating these exquisite drinks, I got to thinking about how much I value the beauty in the details

I think that we spend a lot of time on super-drive. We speed through our days, always focused on the next task, or crossing the finish line.

I have found that when I stop to appreciate the details around me, I allow the beauty of the world to permeate through my soul. We should all stop to take in the details around us, to appreciate these details, and let the world affect us. There is artistry in everything.

I tend to admire beautiful food and drinks – meals should involve all the senses.

{I toast you, my friends.}
