Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, 12 May 2013 

I hope that you all are enjoying your Sunday. 

On Mother’s day, I am reminded about how much I appreciate my family. My mother is such an amazing woman. She is so courageous and strong and if I am 1/10 of a mother that she is, my children will be incredibly lucky. 

This day reminds us to send our appreciation and love to all of our loved ones. To our loving mothers, to our sisters, to our aunts, to our grandmothers; but also to the other amazing mother-like figures in our lives who love and teach us. To the dads who pull double-duty, to our teachers, to our nannies, and to our neighbors. 

So call your loved ones today. Smile to everyone that you pass. Set aside your anger or hurt feelings and reach out to your family. 

I love you Mom. You are the most beautiful woman I know, inside and out. 



May you all get to spend time with your loved ones today!