Kitchen helper

First post of two-thousand sixteen! WHAT.

I purposely did not do a resolutions post or a big here are my goals for 2016 announcement this year. This is mostly because I wanted to put my thoughts into action and commit to my main goal this year. (I guess I am announcing my goal for this year. Um, moving on.)

This year my goal is simple: Stay Present

Present with my thoughts. Present with my intentions. And present with my family. I am putting this into action in various ways and maybe I'll be more specific about it later. But then again, maybe not. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you would know how much Emma loves to cook and clean. Mostly, she just loves being around me and doing what I am doing. The other day I was making calzones and Emma just had to be in on the action. She handed me ingredients and helped me with every step of cooking. It melted my heart. 

Patiently awaiting the fruits of her labor.

Now for your viewing pleasure, here is a little video of Emma's kale help.

I hope she always wants to help us around the house. 

Happy Monday!