Mom guilt. It’s deep and it’s real.
That first day I dropped Emma off at daycare, I felt like the mommy faeries were stabbing me in the face with their tiny wands, screaming at me to turn around. How dare I leave my baby with a stranger, I thought. She’ll forget about me, I worried. What if she is unhappy there, I wondered.
But as this journey into mommy/dental student-hood progressed, I am completely at peace with our decision. One morning this week, we dropped Emma off in her classroom. We placed her on the floor and she took off to play with her friends. They giggled, she played with her toy kitchen supplies, and her smile filled the room. She greeted her teacher with a big hug, who in turn exclaimed with excitement to see her that morning.
She is happy there. She has her little baby friends and wonderful caregivers who give her affection and love while Paul and I are busy worker bees. I know she is in a nurturing, loving, educational, and fun environment. When I pick her up, her face lights up when she sees me and she crawls towards me faster than a house mouse. This little moment reminded me to be at peace with our decisions and trust that God has a plan for our family.
Check out the entire Extraordinarily Ordinary 52 project here.