At the moment

Happy Friday party people! Here is what I am up to at the moment.

EATING my favorite cheese onion bagels from a local bagel shop. Hashtag, gluttony.

DRINKING water! It’s been so hot. Like, hotter than hades.

READINGThe Mortal Instruments City of Bones.

PLAYINGBehind the Light by Phillip Phillips. He’s one talented son of a gun.

LOVING spending time with family. And they are loving on little Emma’s deliciousness.

WATCHING the Kate Plus 8 special on TLC. Oh sweet nostalgia!

WISHING this week would never end. Go away reality.

CELEBRATING my sister’s graduation. She’s a smartie pants.

NEEDING my eyebrows shaped. It’s like two fuzzy caterpillars up there.

WEARING my PJs… still. Vacation, right?

FEELING content and happy. As a clam. (Where does that expression even come from?)

MARVELING at my adorable baby girl. She’s scrumptious. But I promise I won’t eat her up, okay maybe. (I’m not that crazy… maybe)

Tomorrow is my sister’s graduation party (yay!) and we head back to San Francisco on Sunday (boo!). This has been a wonderful week! I hope you all have a fantabulous weekend!

(Wait, that’s not a word, but oh well, please don’t leave me.)