First and last and other things

It’s Saturday afternoon and two out of three kids are napping, the sun is shining, and I am feeling content. It’s amazing because, this week was one of the busiest weeks for us in a while and I feel like I’ve been running on overdrive. But sitting here at my quiet kitchen table thinking back on this week, well I’m finally exhaling. My family has been my solace through the chaos of work and home life balance (whatever balance means anyway). I’m just grateful.

Now before I wax too sappy, here are some updates from this week.

1. Emma had her last day of preschool on Thursday. She started at this school when she was almost two and a half. And now, at five years old and fewer than two months from the start of kindergarten, she said goodbye to her first teachers and those whom shared the in the gift of raising her. I am grateful for the tremendous love and care she experienced there. I am emotional as we said goodbye but we still have Henry there and Theo will start in October. It takes a village, and I have loved this one.

preschool | first day and last day

2. Today, I set up my July spread in my planner. It’s the last month of my planner before I open up my new one and I cannot believe how well-loved this planner has been. I cannot wait to start working on my new Blessed Is She 2019-2020 academic year planner. And I promise, I’ll be showing my spreads in the next one more regularly. Have you gotten your new planner yet? 😍

3. We have been absolutely loving the warmer weather and we’ll be living in the kiddie pool and having all the sink baths. I also bought this bubble machine and I feel like we’ll be living outside as much as possible.

4. My June devotional was up on Blessed Is She yesterday. I write my devotionals two months in advance and sometimes when they are finally posted I really need to hear my own words. The Holy Spirit is all up on this.

5. My sweet husband and I rarely get to go on date nights because of our three young children. Our families don’t live close to us but we try to get away for lunch dates or coffee dates while our kids are in childcare. I’m all about stealing a few minutes here and there but I’m looking forward to our children sleeping through the night and finding babysitters so we can hit the town during the adult evening hours. Say whaaat.

6. These past few months, I’ve been really trying to get in front of the camera. There is this hashtag I stumbled across on instagram called #proofofmom and it made me realize how rare I am in the photos with my children. I take hundreds of photos a year but how many of them have me or my husband in there with the children? Well, I’ve been making it a point to take more photos with my kids - both posed and action shots. What about you all? Do you get in the photos with your kids?

7. Theo is so close to walking, Emma has been working on her math skills, and Henry is having fewer tantrums. I actually slept more than 3 hours in a row SEVERAL TIMES this week and I’m all 🙌🏼!!! Can I get an amen!?

What are your 4th of July plans this week? We will likely hit up our town’s parade and enjoy some yummy food. Happy weekend!


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