Henry at one month

One day I will return to regular blogging, but until then I am just popping in for a little update on our man Henry at one month. 

Wait what? ONE MONTH.

(insert expected astonishment here)

Our little man is one month old today and I cannot imagine our family without him. He is overall a pretty happy baby, although he can belt it when he's disgruntled about something that's for sure.

We did not have a one month check-up but at his two week appointment he was impressing us with his growth. He has the longest fingers and toes I've ever seen. Seriously, he's probably a month away from getting a whole octave on the piano. 

I would say that he sleeps well overall but he still needs a lot of snuggles to get to sleep. He loves being in the baby carrier - thankfully - because I need both of my hands most of the time. It's been a tough couple of weeks because Paul went back to work and I have been on my own with the two littles. I've never felt more exhausted in my entire life so we are just in the newborn hazy days and survival mode.

BUT Emma starts daycare tomorrow and I am so happy for her. She will get to play with other kids again and do art projects and play outside and I won't feel like the guiltiest mom in the world with her being cooped up all the time. But I digress. 

Henry prefers to be swaddled when he is sleeping because he tends to smack himself in the face. In fact, he has active arms/hands in general. It is a battle every time I nurse him because he gets so excited that he pushes himself away. I somehow have to hold his arms down while I get him to latch. 

He loves his big sister and doesn't mind the millions of kisses and hugs he gets from her. It's sweet. He loves to take walks and enjoys car rides. He has just started smiling and he smiles while he is drifting off to sleep. 

One thing he does that I love is he takes a pacifier! Emma would NOT and I was basically her pacifier. Henry loves his and it buys us more time for naps. He also likes the MamaRoo baby swing which gives my arms a break. 

He is a joy and a treasure. He is animated and has the most intense gaze I've ever seen. He is a content baby and we just love him so much. 

Hmmm, let's see, what else? Well, he hates having a dirty diaper and he manages to poop all. the. time. Even after I've just changed him. We end up just hosing him off in the sink quite frequently. He is still on the fence about baths. Sometimes he likes it, sometimes he screams like a pterodactyl.

He sleeps best next to us or while we are holding him, but I've been working on getting him into his crib next to our bed. Right now he'll only stay sleeping in there for about 30 min, but we are making progress... I hope. 

(I talk a lot about sleeping in this post, but I guess that's what month one is mostly about anyway ha.)

He still has those skinny frog legs that I love so much. And now I'm done rambling. Here are a few more photos. 

Oh, he knows he's cute too.

(Emma at one month.)