
How a little humming bird taught me a lesson

Sometimes you see a precious glimpse into a world greater than your own. And sometimes that glimpse reveals more than you could possibly imagine. 

This evening we discovered a beautiful blessing in our backyard. A hummingbird has made her nest in our tree. She flitted from branch to branch, looking overhead, weary of our presence, but letting us know that this was her patch of earth and sky to call her own and she was not going anywhere.

If you know me, you'll know that my favorite animals are penguins and humming birds. If I were an animagus I would be a penguin, but my patronus is definitely a humming bird. There is something majestic and angelic about humming birds that have always drawn me to watching them float from flower to flower.

As I was watching this lovely bird -- whom I've named Helena -- float around my backyard, I became overwhelmed with a sense of peace, calm, and clarity. I was perfectly contented to standing still while my gaze followed this precious bird. At one point she flew out of range of my backyard and my curiosity lead me to peaking inside her nest. 


One precious, tiny egg nestled between feathers and wee little findings from the mother-to-be. It took all my energy not to completely squeal in delight. I backed away slowly as Helena the humming bird came back with a few warning tweets letting me know not to get too close. 

As I gazed at this bird, atop her baby with head swiveling to and fro, I was overcome with emotion and felt immediately connected to this fellow mama. 

Sometimes, I am entirely guilt-ridden and self-conscious about my vocation of motherhood. Am I doing it right? Are the kids alright? Are they growing and thriving? Do they know the Lord? Are they content? Are they happy? Am I enough? I can become paralyzed by my worry and anxiety. I freeze in this place of fear. 

But this little bird, swift and determined, taught me something. It is natural to wonder and worry about my children and that's okay. But it is my attitude that can be the problem. I watched little Helena hover over her tree, warning me not to get too close then float into her nest and sit cozy on her babe. She made her nest, made the foundation, and brought this little egg home.

Yes she keeps a lookout, yes she searches for food, yes she prepares for the arrival of her wee one. She taught me that it is natural to prepare and make way, but what I should not do is dwell in that place of worry and shame and fear. 

This has been my toughest pregnancy to date. My fear and worry about having enough room/space/finances/time/energy for three has frozen my ability to just be. To prepare without being frantic. To make a way without cursing the day. To open my heart to grow in love instead of wondering how to make my love stretch further. 

A little humming bird perched atop her branched reminded me to make space for the preparation, but that the constant, gut-wrenching fear has no place in my heart. God has made me for this. I have been called to this vocation, not to spend it on my knees in despair, but with my arms and heart wide open knowing that with God, I will never be handed more than I am able to handle. 

Peace. Joy. Preparation. Love. 

Thank you little humming bird. From one mama-to-be to another. 

Sweet 16 (weeks)

I suppose they say that the belly remembers pregnancy when it does it again. Where I was barely showing with Emma at this stage and only just for Henry, this baby belly is like, WHOMP THERE IT IS.

I am definitely *looking* quite a bit more pregnant these last couple of weeks and have triggered the ahem, personal questions. 

Is this your last?
Do you know what causes that?
You're done, right?
Was this planned?
How/when/in what position/on what day are you delivering?

UHH. Folks, I think the question you should ask is, How are you doing? And after that, no more questions and only congratulations and what a blessing should you utter. MMKAYTHNX. 

Also, this time around, things seem to be moving along way too fast. Whereas with the first two, I would count down each day and read all the daily updates on how big baby is and what is new this week and look forward to every little change. This time I'm like, WHUT 16ISH WEEKS ALREADY, HOW??!?! 

Clearly I am processing this pregnancy like a champ.

Although I did start feeling the baby move this week which gives me all the happy feelings (you know, in between the crippling panics of, THREE!? HOW?!). 

Now that I am firmly into the second trimester, I am enjoying the increased energy. Well, maybe not an increase so much as no debilitating exhaustion. So, silver lining? Ha. With Henry, I was recovering from my emergency appendectomy so I did not get to enjoy these weeks so much. 

On to the fun stuff.

16 weeks
How far along: 16 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: uhh, do I want to know
Maternity clothes: whenever I can and also the belly band   
Stretch marks: I am trying not to look hard enough
Sleep: cray cray dreams  
Miss anything: all the wine  
Movement: first flutters this week, AWWWW
Food cravings: cereal, cheese
Aversions: smelly people
Sex: I am 90% sure we will find out and 10% want to be surprised
Symptoms: odd sleeping patterns, allergies, random crying
Belly button: innie
Wedding rings: still loose
Happy or moody: a good combo of the two
Looking forward to: finding out (probably) girl or guy 

Flashback time

Emma at 4 months
Henry at 16 weeks


Family news and a bumpdate

Well, if you follow me on Instagram you'll know that our family is growing! 

Samantha (@substance_soul) on Instagram: "✨The five of us really enjoy our dance parties.✨ 👩🏻👨🏻👧🏻👦🏻👶🏻"

<--- Insert shocked and awed face here.

Right now, I am about 13 and a half weeks along and finally coming out of the mist of the first trimester. It was a rough couple of months and I'm still unpacking all my emotions from it all, but we are grateful and happy for this little life. 

Emma is over-the-moon-happy for the news of this little one and Henry is clueless. So, we are right on track. 

And to keep with tradition, here is a little bumpdate.

12/13 weeks
How far along: 12 weeks (photos) and 13.5 weeks now. 
Total weight gain: I have no idea (3rd kid problems)
Maternity clothes: I just pulled them out again and holy sweet stretch pants.  
Stretch marks: None so far (no new ones anyway).
Sleep: Insomnia like nobody's business. 
Miss anything: WINE.  
Movement: Nothing felt yet.
Food cravings: Pickles, candy, french fries.
Aversions: Vegetables.
Sex: I'm not sure yet, although Emma is convinced the baby is a girl.
Symptoms: Nausea, insomnia, exhaustion, and severe and intense anxiety at the thought of THREE.
Belly button: Still an innie.
Wedding rings: Still on (and in need of a polish and clean).
Happy or moody: Moody mostly. But I blame the crippling exhaustion. 
Looking forward to: Feeling those first flutters.

(The baby is the only one looking at the camera I think.)

And now for a trip down memory lane...

Emma's pregnancy announcement.
Henry's pregnancy announcement.
Henry at 12 weeks


Henry at 18 months

Somehow it slipped past my mom brain, but Henry turned 18 months old yesterday. 18 months. EIGHTEEN MONTHS. One and a half. 

This may sound a little basic but, I CAN'T EVEN. 

Henry is a feisty, energetic, and opinionated toddler. He has a scream to pierce eardrums and those slobbery open-mouth kisses that will melt the coldest heart. As of late, he has a few words under his belt including, mama, daddy, ball, waffle, yes, and several other half/almost words that you can somewhat understand from context.

Mostly, he's impressive with his physicality. His hand-eye coordination makes his sports-loving dada shed a single, proud tear. But really, he is already working on ball handling skills. His current loves are shooting hoops in our child-sized bball hoop throwing other balls up into the air and attempting to either catch them or hit himself in the head. He has no preference.

Lately, he's starting to stand up for himself against big sister. This has resulted in several screaming matches between the two of them and can I have a nap now? He is of the mind to waddle over to whatever big sister is doing -- a puzzle, building a tower, playing with her princess castle -- and knock sh** over. I call him my little tornado. 

Category 17. 

He loves to read books which makes my nerdy heart flutter. He often does this imitation thing where he will prop his book up, babble out loud while "reading" the pages, then looking at us before turning the page. I have no idea what he's saying, but oh man, it's wonderful.

Henry is on the fearless side, so we are going to have to watch this one. Where Emma was cautious about hot things, streets, animals, heights, and loud noises, Henry runs head first into danger much to the dismay of his frazzled mama. He'll wander out of the garage and find a rock. in the middle. of the street. Or he'll dive right off the couch. Or attempt to climb into the bath. His petite frame looks all small and cute, but he's a fierce shark under those cubby rolls. 

I'm ready for my second nap.

He does love his big sister and his daddy more than anything. His sister can make him smile mid-tantrum. And he much prefers to cuddle daddy when he's tired or upset. His little legs scamper to wherever Paul is and it is SOPRECIOUSOMG.

On the eating front, let's just say, he's a bottomless pit. Often he'll eat his entire meal, then half of Emma's then some of ours. AT EVERY MEAL. A couple of nights ago we went out to dinner and he demolished two bread baskets then ate his whole meal AND THEN ate half of our cheesecake that we were supposed to share between the four of us. I have to secretly eat my food hiding behind something if I want to eat it alone.

Henry is such a joy. He's a ball of energy. He's loud. He's wonderful. 

Happy half-birthday little boy! 

For a little trip down memory lane, here is his birth story


Love and service

Friday is usually my day off from work. I try to spend a portion of the day resting. But if I'm truthful, I usually spend the day on chores and errands. 

Today, I deep cleaned my bathrooms and kitchen. Hoooo boy did they need it. This season of our lives is tremendously busy so my weekly chore list often gets pushed to my day off. I used to grumble about using my day off for chores and for errands. 

Cue whiny voice: But it's MY day off, I should be RESTING, I have to do EVERYTHING. Wahh, wahh, wahh. 

Gag. I've just annoyed myself.

But lately, and since starting full-time work, I've had a change of mentality, nay, a change of heart. Instead of grumbling, I am eager. I get to serve my family, yay! 

Stay with me here.

I run errands, because my children need to eat. I wash the sheets, because my husband needs to rest his head on clean linen. I scrub. I clean. I vacuum. All because, I love the people whom I serve. My family. My husband serves me, I serve him, and we serve our children.

It's that simple. And often times I need that reminder. 

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta is famously quoted saying, 

"Wash the plate not because it is dirty nor because you are told to wash it, but because you love the person who will use it next." 

Re-centering my motivation gives me peace in this service. 

And what if we approached everything with this mindset? Using love as our motivation -- not obligation, not coercion, not spite -- but love.

Talk about radical love.