
Blessed Is She writer's retreat (for the win)

Exactly one week ago, I strapped a sleeping Henry to my chest in my trusty Ergo baby and headed to the airport. Little did I know that I would be heading to one of the best, most fulfilling, and most fruitful weekends of my life.

I have been part of the Blessed Is She since its inception a little over two years ago. This ministry has been transformative in my own life and in the lives of thousands of women across the world. I get choked up thinking about the lives we are touching and this circle of sisters I've been blessed to get to know. Being part of the writing team of BIS has helped me reconnect with the Word and reignite my passion for Christ. Wee! 

After knowing these women for over two years through our online relationships, we finally got a chance to meet up and get to know each other in "real" life. I cannot put into words how much this weekend meant to me. My heart is on fire. Our BIS writer's retreat was a huge success. 

One benefit to traveling with a seven-week old is that they let me zip through security and I barely had to wait at those horrid TSA lines. Whew. The plane was super full, but thankfully (you rock, Jesus) my prayers were answered and I had an open middle seat next to me for my first flight (ever) with one of my kiddos. 

Mr. Henry was a trouper for the plane rides. Only three diaper explosions but thankfully, everything was contained. He only fussed for a few minutes here and there and was perfectly content being held or bounced in the carrier. I was only slightly neurotic and lysoled my seat, arm rests, and tray. And washed my hands every two minutes, ha. 

We spent the weekend at Nell's family's lodge, surrounded by trees, a trout stream, and the open sky. It was restorative in more ways than one.

On Friday night, we shared s'mores, prayed a rosary together, and shared our hearts. Saturday we had a couple of workshops, dined together, indulged in desserts, and got to know one another on very deep levels. (Seriously, we got deep quick haha.) On Sunday, we went to Mass at a tiny local parish and took up six rows with the 30+ of us, and quite a few babies. The Holy Spirit was all up in this weekend -- it was palpable. 


Prints from Hatch Prints Shop and the BIS Shop 

These women are my sisters and I love each and every one of them. 

For all the fun and photos from this weekend, browse our #BISteamretreat hashtag on Instagram.

I am still digesting the fruits of this weekend. If you want to know more about this incredible ministry, start here



A quick turnaround

I'm a bit behind on my project 52 posts, but fear not, I will get right to it come Friday.

But any who, we took a quick trip down to Paul's hometown this weekend. I don't want to jinx anything, but Emma has always been a good car traveler. She gets antsy just like anyone else, but she spends most of the trip sleeping and a good chunk of it content to playing or watching some Daniel Tiger. We do try to time road trips around her nap for extra insurance.

We left on Friday afternoon and I had the responsibility of driving. The 5 freeway is BORING. And filled with dry brush and lots of cows. Thank God for audiobooks I'll tell you. We got to spend a lot of time with family and we got to see Grace and Brian who were also visiting Bakersfield.

Emma was in HEAVEN with her cousins who also have no shortage on energy.


We had not seen Grace and Brian since June (!!!) so I might have squealed when we got together. Grace was in Emma heaven and I was so happy to see our friends. I need someone to invent teleportation ASAP.

These quick turnaround trips are tough at times, but oh so worth it. Friends and family make the world go 'round. 


The golden gate bridge

Last weekend was another sunny one in San Francisco. Paul and I spent a wonderful day with our friends Natalie and Josh in the Marina neighborhood, the Marin Headlands, and Sausalito. We had a picnic and enjoyed the sunshine and company. It was truly a Sunday for the books.

Alcatraz Island

What a spread.

My built-in backrest.

The view of the Golden Gate Bridge from the Marin Headlands. 

That huge belly makes the bridge look small. 

The boys.

The girls. 

We do love sight-seeing. 

The best ice cream in Sausalito.

We had a wonderful Sunday Fun Day! It was nice to get out of the apartment and explore a little of my own backyard.